Support is available for those affected by the NSW floods. Resources and information can be found at the NSW Flood Assistance and Resources page.

OCHRE a continuing conversation

About the OCHRE conversations

In 2011, the NSW Government and Aboriginal communities started a conversation that resulted in the OCHRE initiatives. That important conversation is continuing to work out what the key issues are and to solve them, so that each Local Decision Making process, Aboriginal Language and Culture Nest and Opportunity Hub develops with local Aboriginal communities’ views in mind.

The NSW Government will grow OCHRE based on these conversations. Use the navigation buttons below to find our more.

The first three years 2016-2018

Aboriginal Language and Culture Nests

Connected Communities

Local Decision Making

Opportunity Hubs

The second three years 2019-2021

Aboriginal Language and Culture Nests

Connected Communities

Local Decision Making

Opportunity Hubs

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