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The NSW Government is committed to a 12-month consultation process with Aboriginal communities on their aspirations for a Treaty framework or other formal agreement making process, to be led by three dedicated Commissioners.

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The Strategic Plan: Year Two Report


Two years ago we launched the Aboriginal Affairs Strategic Plan, which links the work of our agency with the NSW Government’s commitment to promoting economic, social and cultural development opportunities for Aboriginal people in NSW.

The principle and practice of genuine co-design continues to underpin all of our efforts to deliver on our five Strategic Priorities and transform the relationship between Government and Aboriginal communities.

I am pleased to provide this Year Two Progress Report (2017) outlining our achievements to date, and our ongoing and future commitments under the Strategic Plan.

NSW continues to lead the way in Aboriginal affairs reform with a forward looking strengths-based agenda that rejects deficit approaches focused on disadvantage.

We have continued to embed Aboriginal perspectives and experiences into all our work, while building the trust of communities by respecting cultural and language protocols.

Some of our achievements, such as our work on the Stolen Generations’ Reparations Scheme and the enactment of the NSW Aboriginal Languages Act 2017 - the first Act of its kind in Australia - have been recognised publicly at state and national levels. Other achievements, including our progress toward resolving complex problems through Solution Brokerage, have been less visible but no less significant for local Aboriginal communities.

I believe our unwavering commitment to a self-determining future for Aboriginal communities in NSW and our disciplined approach to working closely with Aboriginal people is at the core of our success.

I would like to thank everyone in my team who has worked tirelessly to advance the social, economic and cultural outcomes for Aboriginal people in NSW over the last 12 months.

Jason Ardler
Head of Agency
Aboriginal Affairs

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